Testimonials By Region

- New England/Northeast -- CT, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, and VT
- Mid-Atlantic -- DE, MD, NJ, PA, VA, and WV
- Southeast -- AL, FL, GA, NC, MS, SC, and TN
- South Central -- AR, KS, LA, MO, OK, and TX
- North Central -- IA, IL, IN, KY, MI, OH, and WI
- Southwest -- AZ, CA, CO, NM, NV, and UT
- Northwest & Plains -- ID, MN, MT, ND, NE, SD, and WY
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Raleigh, NC -- Zoysia makes a steep grade beautiful
"When we first moved to Raleigh from the upstate NY area, I soon learned that grass down there is much more difficult to grow. The summer is too hot for northern grass, and the winter is too cold for tropical grasses. Plus the grading right in front of our house caused significant run-off during heavy rainfall to wash away your typical bluegrass or rye -- planting seed was impossible. After three seasons, the worst section of our lawn is now the best part. The freshly-planted plugs held tight during all sorts of storm run-off and have been flourishing ever since. It is soft and thick and feels dreamy to walk on barefoot. Thanks for an outstanding product." --S.G.
Del Ray Beach, FL -- Grandson loves the soft "carpet"
"We planted Amazoy plugs three years ago and we cannot believe how beautiful our new lawn is. The best part of it all is the color of the grass; the blue-green cast it gives off when you are looking at it. We love walking on it barefoot. Our grandson loves to just play outside when he comes to visit. He tells everyone, 'Grammy and Poppy have a carpet outside for grass'." --M.D.
Rossville, GA -- Zoysia choked out the weeds

Blacksburg, SC -- Chokes out weeds
"I always enjoy your advertisement in the paper and am able to say "Amen" to what you say about the grass. Many, many years ago my father put Zoysia in the family yard and here is it 40 years later and it is as green as ever and has absolutely choked out crabgrass. In fact it choked out some wiregrass that tried to invade the yard." --M.D.
Georgia -- Planted in clay soil
"I planted Zoysia Farms plugs last spring. I did half my backyard as a test. The plugs arrived looking dormant, just as I was told to expect. I got them into the ground within the week. Planted in North Georgia red clay dirt with no topsoil or fertilizer. I watered them well, and they greened up in no time. As of this spring they are already spreading and choking out the weeds and the old fescue (although the company tells you to allow two to three years for them to completely cover). I have ordered more plugs to finish the other half of the yard. My entire back yard will be covered in low maintenance, hardy grass for under $100!" --M.M.
Marietta, SC -- Great success
"I have used your zoysia plugs in the past, and with great success." --T.R.

Hurdle Mills, NC -- 4 generations transplanting plugs
"I always thought my Great Grandmother had the most beautiful lawn. It was like walking on carpet. She was an excellent gardener and absolutely loved your grass. My Great Grandmother lived to be 100 years old and supplied many of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren with plugs from her yard. Thanks again for such a great product." --N.O.
Asheville, NC -- Grew in part shade
"This is a real life lawn rag to riches story. Shade most of the time, four summers of drought, and critters! I bought the house ten years ago, a single parent with just enough time to go to work, bring work home, and drive kids everywhere on weekends. That's when I discovered zoysia grass! Every year I bought plugs. I wished I could have done the lawn all at once, but 'bit by bit' really worked!! Zoysia grass grows in the shade, looks thick, cared for, and survives the 'critters'. It is so easy to put down and it starts to grow right away. The kids enjoyed planting it. They enjoyed more seeing how it grew and what it looked like. I love the stuff." --J.L.
Georgia -- Nothing grows like it
"Nothing grows as well as this down here in Georgia. My father was a devotee of your products, especially the plugs, which he used liberally and with tremendous success when we lived in Pittsburgh, PA. Congratulations on a superb product." --J.J.
Memphis, TN -- Mowed twice all summer
"The best news is that your too-good-to-be-true ads (or why wouldn't everyone plant this stuff?) really were true! In that very warm and humid summer I expected the twice-weekly mowing we were accustomed to in Tenn. Imagine my surprise in mowing it only twice, and then more out of principle than out of need." --J.E.
Julian, NC -- Gone through two droughts
"I know some people will have a hard time believing in this statement but this is their loss…. I bought your product in 1984 (24 years ago) and plugged a spot 20' by 40'. This area has gone through two exceptional droughts and still looks good." --J.L.
Odenville AL -- Exceptional Drought
"About 16 months ago I plugged an area in my backyard that was just red clay. Just a series of 1" plugs spread over a 1000 sq. ft. area. I was hopeful, but somewhat doubtful that the grass would succeed. The 1" plugs are now in the order of 6" and the ground between them is now covered with stolons and newer growth is appearing even though we have been in the midst of an exceptional drought. Thank you!" --G.B.
Pensacola FL -- Doing great
"The free replacements you sent me are doing great, thanks" --G.P.
Abbeville SC -- I could not be happier.
"I love my new zoysia grass. I could not be happier about how good the grass is doing. I use Nutri-20 and water when needed. It is growing faster than I thought. I hope the grass can take over the yard soon. It is the best grass I have ever seen." --W.M.
Sanford FL -- Looks like the type of grass on a golf course putting green
"I am replacing the contractor's grass with Amazoy Zoysia. I am replacing the grass a little at a time. The soil in Central Florida consists mainly of a black sand and the Zoysia is doing great in it. The secret is to water it when it arrives. The grass will start to turn green is about 2 weeks and it will get root shoots. The areas I have planted look great and I went from cutting my grass every week and a half to cutting the grass maybe once every 3 months. The zoysia looks like the type of grass on a golf course putting green. A satisfied customer, that will be buying more zoysia grass to complete the project." --K.B.
Nebo NC -- I love it
"I planted my whole front yard with your zoysia grass and I love it. Everyone that comes to visit our house loves it also. I am re-ordering for my backyard." --C.W.
Elizabethton TN -- No maintenance other than mowing
"I thought you should know; I planted some of your Amazoy years and years ago. I fertilized and watered in years 1 and 2, since then I have neither watered nor fertilized. I have the best looking yard in my neighborhood. In addition the yard is free of weeds of all kinds with no maintenance other than mowing." --R.T.
Hinesville GA -- The result was beyond my expectation
"I researched what grass was going to give me the desired result I was looking for. My current grass in my yard was centipede which I didn't like because of the color and the look it gave my home. By choosing Amazoy Zoysia, the result was beyond my expectations. It took in the yard really well and greened to the results that I was looking for as well as filling in bad areas I had around my home with the thickness and height I so desired. I highly recommend Zoysia Farms and Amazoy Zoysia grass if you're looking for great results." --A.M.
Tullahoma TN -- It is the best investment I ever made
"I bought my home and never could get any grass to grow! I came across your ad and took a chance and to my surprise it was the best investment I ever made. I have the best looking lawn in any neighborhood I have come across. Thanks to you, my new home is a NEW HOME." --J.I.
Kingsport TN -- The block walkers comment on the quality of the lawn
"It has been about 4 or 5 years since I ordered plugs for our yard. They worked out great. In the summertime the block walkers comment on the quality of the lawn, as well as the lack of weeds. I encourage them to walk on it to feel how cushiony it is. Then I tell them how easy it is to care for." --H.C.