"I always thought my Great Grandmother had the most beautiful lawn. It was like walking on carpet.
She was an excellent gardener and absolutely loved your grass.
My Great Grandmother lived to be 100 years old and supplied many of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren with plugs from her yard.
Thanks again for such a great product." —N.O.

Is Amazoy really the best Zoysia?
Zoysia Farm Nurseries grows and distributes only the original, superior Meyer Z-52 strain of zoysia, under the name “Amazoy®.” In recent decades, some universities and private companies have tinkered with new zoysia strains, but all research to date indicates that improving some properties of the grass comes at the expense of others.Zoysia was brought to the United States by Frank Meyer, a famous USDA plant explorer who discovered zoysia along Korea’s Yalu River in 1906. Meyer introduced countless Asian plants to the US, including most of the variations of soybean we grow today, before disappearing without a trace while collecting specimens in China. When the Department of Agriculture began to grow and refine zoysia in 1930, they named the strains in Meyer’s honor. And by 1951, the 52nd strain or “Meyer Z-52” was jointly released in cooperation with the U.S. Golf Association for commercial development.
Herbert Friedberg, founder of Zoysia Farm Nurseries was the first entrepreneur to recognize zoysia’s potential to improve America’s lawns. Today, Zoysia Farm Nurseries is the oldest, continuously operating company to sell zoysia grass plugs by mail. The company not only pioneered the sale of zoysia, but also perfected the mail order distribution of “live plants” to homeowners throughout the country.